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Katlin Walsh


Course Info

   The course focused heavily on the design process. For each project, students had to first identify the problem and identify the criteria of said problem by looking at the project outline. Then students brainstormed solutions, generate ideas and explore possiblities of the problem with online research and design concepts. After looking at a few options, the student selects an approach, protyped the idea on Solidworks and then refined the design by adding their own aspects to the specific part. 


 Students used Solidworks to design their ideas and were tested on their ability to replicate parts from drawing both quickly and efficently. 


 Skills developed in the Tech Design course are also emphasized within the Robotics club to help the team design a sucessful Robot to compete in First Robotics Competitions across Canada and the US, giving students skills to contribute to the team and their school. 


 Participation in the course not only raises design skills used in the robotics club, the year round club reinforces principles and skills learned in the course so students retain the information learnt during the semester. 

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